Notes and disclaimers

This Trikke based Blog is my personal story and opinions.

It is hoped that this Blog will clarify questions that potential non-Trikke owners may have about Trikkes and Trikking. It can also be used as a resource for Trikke riders as the number of postings/pages are expanded.

Some photos and information has been gathered from internet searches and web sites, including and other related websites. These photos are not used with permission of the original owner(s) but this adds to an additional form of media to help promote the Trikke range of products.  A win-win situation for all involved.

I am not a Trikke Retailer or Distributor, so there is no personal monetary benefit to create sales for Trikke Tech or any other brands mentioned in this Blog. I just want to help spread the word about this amazing machine and the fitness & wellness it can create.

If someone requests a photo or information be removed due to any potential copyright issues I will seek permission to use or remove.

In most instances I have used American spelling to cater for the fact that Trikke is a USA based product. Some New Zealand (British) spelling may slip into the text if I have not realized (realised) lol. e.g. NZ=Tyres, USA=Tires  plus the use of "s" for British spelling vs "z" for USA variants.  Both spelling variations are correct in this global on-line world, so please do not take offence at having one variant or the other.

I will usually mention distances in both miles and kilometers to cater for all international readers.

I hope you enjoy the story and information contained within the Blog.

Carve on!
- Charles Hawes

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